02 October 2007

First Post

In the upcoming weeks (month, years, ... , who knows?), I will be writing about my experience using Linux...or GNU/Linux...as my primary desktop operating system. *** My first experience using Linux occurred about 10 months ago; I booted a "live" Linux distribution called KNOPPIX. The same DVD contained a full image of Fedora Core 5, so I managed to partition my hard drive, and installed Fedora Core on a separate partition. So, now I had a "dual boot" setup, having both Windows XP and Fedora Core 5 installed. This setup was okay for a few days, but then I managed to screw up my Fedora Core installation. Then I decided to install Ubuntu 6.10 ("Edgy Eft"). That was the best choice I ever made. Ubuntu is a great distribution. When Ubuntu 7.04 ("Feisty Fawn") was released, I decided to install it over my previous Ubuntu install. Even better than before. I haven't used too many Linux distributions, but I've had a great experience with Ubuntu. But that's not the end of the story... Last Saturday, I did some research, and decided that I would try out Arch Linux next. Arch is considered to be a more difficult distribution to install, since multiple text files require editing during the installation process. But I managed to install it. Arch runs faster than Ubuntu, and I'm very, very happy with it so far. The installation of Arch alone has improved my understanding of Linux even more. *** My goal with this blog is strike a balance between formality and informality, stream-of-consciousness writing and storytelling, beginner tutorials and technical discussions/ramblings/musings. I welcome any comments and questions about the content on my blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Linux rocks your socks PattyMac!