24 April 2008

Blackboard...you have issues!

Okay. Blackboard and Linux do not get along at all. It turns out that Blackboard is currently 'unsupported' on the Linux platform. Not cool. I think Blackboard's programming team is living in the dark ages. Anyways...to the point: Fortunately, most of Blackboard's functionality is web-based, and since Firefox (all any platform) is more than capable of handling anything HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Blackboard works.......mostly. Since the Linux operating system is not 'supported', Blackboard performs a user-agent check to see if you are running Windows or Mac. If not, you cannot upload files to Blackboard. Not cool. I have tried the Firefox extension called User Agent Switcher that lets you 'spoof' your browser's identification, the version of your browser, and your operating system. For example, I could be running Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Beta 5 on Linux, and using the User Agent Switcher, I could pretend to be running Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (GASP!!) on Windows Vista (GASP!!), and no website would know the difference. Isn't that wonderful? Firefox lets the user be in control, and that's what I love about it. Unfortunately, this doesn't fool Blackboard. Blackboard looks for filenames that have backslashes in them. Aha! So if I try to upload a file called myCrazyLongFileName.cpp, Blackboard won't let you upload it. But if I rename the file to be \myCrazyLongFileName.cpp, Blackboard recognizes the file. And it gets better: Blackboard strips this backslash after you upload the file. Yes!! Glorious!!


Anonymous said...

No (GASP!!) for OS X?


Anonymous said...

Blackboard is fooled by User Agent Switcher. All you have to do is create a custom user agent "mac". A short tutorial on how to do this is here: http://snyderblogs.com/2008/09/make-blackboard-and-linux-get-along/